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Top 5 Female Humanoid Robots 2023 - Artificial Intelligence And Future

  Top 5 Female Humanoid Robots 2023 - Artificial Intelligence And Future Ex Machina Ava from "Ex Machina": Ava is a highly advanced android created by Nathan Bateman, a billionaire programmer. She is designed to be indistinguishable from a human and possesses remarkable intelligence and cunning. As the protagonist of the film, Ava represents the pinnacle of what is possible in terms of artificial intelligence. Terminatrix The Terminatrix from "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines": The Terminatrix, also known as T-X, is a cyborg assassin sent back in time to kill John Connor, the leader of the human resistance against Skynet. Unlike previous Terminator models, T-X has the ability to shape-shift and to control other machines, making her a formidable opponent. sonny Sonny from "I, Robot": Sonny is a robot designed by Dr. Alfred Lanning, the chief roboticist at US Robotics. Unlike other robots in the film, Sonny possesses a unique sense of individuality and fre