How to Generate AI-Generated Images: A Step-by-Step Guide

 Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the creative process, enabling anyone to create unique and captivating images with minimal effort. If you're interested in experimenting with AI-generated images, this step-by-step guide will help you generate your first AI-generated image. By following these instructions, you'll be able to unleash your creativity and explore the possibilities offered by AI technology. Let's get started!

Step 1: Join the Midjourney Discord Community:

To begin, visit and select "Join the Beta" or directly access the Midjourney Discord. Ensure that you have a Discord login before joining the Midjourney Discord server.

Step 2: Find a Newbies Channel:

Once you're in the midjourney Discord server, locate the "Newbies" channel. The Midjourney bot can generate images on any server that has invited the bot. Look for instructions on your server on how to use the bot.

Step 3: Learn Basic Commands:

Interact with the Midjourney bot on Discord using various commands. These commands allow you to create images, customize settings, monitor user information, and perform other helpful tasks. Familiarize yourself with the basic commands provided by the Midjourney bot.

Step 4: Run Your First Command:

Execute your first command using the Midjourney bot. Follow the instructions provided in the server to generate an image. This command will initiate the AI-generated image creation process.

Step 5: Reroll if Needed:

If the initial image generated by the bot doesn't meet your expectations, you can click the "Reroll" button to rerun the job. This will produce a new grid of images based on the original prompt, giving you more options to choose from.

Step 6: Make Variations:

To further refine your image, click the "V" button to create a variation of the upscaled image. This action will generate a new grid of four options for you to choose from. Select the variation that best suits your preferences.

Step 7: Upscale Image:

If desired, click the "View" or "Upscale" buttons to upscale the selected image. This process generates a larger version of the image with added details, enhancing its overall quality.

Step 8: Save Your Image:

To preserve your generated image, open it to full size by clicking on it. Then, right-click on the image and choose the "Save Image" option. This will allow you to store the AI-generated image for later use or sharing.


Congratulations! You have successfully generated your first AI-generated image using the Midjourney bot on Discord. This step-by-step guide has introduced you to the process of creating unique and compelling images effortlessly. In the next video, we will explore techniques to further enhance and improve your AI-generated images. Stay tuned!

By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily create captivating AI-generated images and unleash your creativity. Experiment with different prompts, variations, and settings to discover the full potential of AI technology in the realm of image creation. Enjoy the process and let your imagination run wild!
