Timekattle W2

 Timekattle W2 

Timekattle W2

As the world becomes more digital, keeping track of time has become increasingly important. In today's fast-paced world, it is crucial to have a reliable time tracking tool that can help you manage your time more efficiently. The Timekattle W2 is one such tool that is designed to make time tracking easier and more convenient. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the Timekattle W2 and its key features.


Timekattle W2 is an advanced time tracking tool that is designed to help individuals and businesses track their time more efficiently. It is a cloud-based tool that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, making it ideal for remote workers and teams. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, the Timekattle W2 is a powerful tool that can help you manage your time more effectively.


Time Tracking:
The Timekattle W2 allows you to track your time with ease. It comes with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to start and stop the timer. You can also add notes to each task, making it easier to remember what you were working on. The Timekattle W2 also allows you to track time by project, making it easy to see how much time you have spent on each project.


The Timekattle W2 generates detailed reports that can help you understand how you are spending your time. You can generate reports by project, task, or date range, making it easy to see where your time is being spent. The reports can be exported to Excel, CSV, or PDF, making it easy to share with clients or team members.


The Timekattle W2 also allows you to create invoices based on the time you have tracked. You can set an hourly rate for each project or task, and the tool will automatically calculate the amount you need to invoice. You can also customize the invoice template and send it directly to your client.
Timekattle W2
Timekattle W2 


The Timekattle W2 integrates with several other tools, including Trello, Asana, and Basecamp. This integration makes it easy to track time while you are working on your project management tool of choice.

Mobile App:

The Timekattle W2 also comes with a mobile app that allows you to track time on the go. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, making it easy to track time from anywhere.
